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Green startups seek to leverage technology to create environmentally-friendly products and to encourage social good. The world’s resources are finite and we’ve been consuming them at an unsustainable rate for a long time now. By being a responsible business, with an eco-friendly outlook, you’ll be safeguarding the future of our planet for many more generations to come.
My VIP Guest this week is Mark Sotomayor, founder of Treecup, an eco-friendly startup based in Western Pennsylvania. Founded in 2017, while Sotomayor was a sophomore, Treecup’s motto is “buy a tea, plant a tree” — for every bottle of tea that is sold, Treecup plants one tree in Haiti’s deforested Artibonite Valley. Originally, Mark founded Treecup as a means to sell his grandmother’s Peruvian chai recipe. (Mark’s mother, Vitalia, serves as CFO and is the only other employee). Today, in addition to chai, there are five other blends. Mark was drawn to social entrepreneurship both as a way to differentiate the brand in the marketplace and as a way to motivate himself beyond the pursuit of profit. For every bottle of tea sold, Treecup plants one tree in Haiti through its 501(c)(3) nonprofit partner, Haiti Friends.
Join me in this live discussion!
Josué Batista is a digital strategist with a proven track record of employing strong business and technology architectural skills to orchestrate the creation and delivery of digital solutions to generate and accelerate actual business value. His primary area of focus is in digital health, with expertise in the health payer space. In March 2018, he started a business and technology video blog (vlog) on LinkedIn called “What and Why First.” With more than 15,000 followers across social media channels, his vlog unpacks diverse topics such as healthcare, strategy, and emerging technologies: blockchain, pervasive computing, wireless mesh networks, biotechnology, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, robotics, and nanotechnology, with a focus on value realization. Josué is a regular guest speaker at international events in North America, Europe, and the Middle East. –